Saturday, January 21, 2012
Enough rah rah Hasbro
While were all going ooh and ahhh over some Joe figures getting new wrist articulation, why can't ALL the figures get it? Why can't Hasbro or some 3rd party release an upgrade of hands ,like Dragon and 21st toys did? We would fall all over ourselves to get those. How bout Accessory packs?
Cheaper than molding and shipping figures. But mostly, I have been playing with some Star Wars ARF troopers and a new SandTrooper, my son got me. Something no one has the BALLS (that's right, I said it) to complain about, is HEAD ARTICULATION. The new troopers (I own just 8 Star Wars toys for a diorama project) are fantasticly poseable compared to a joe. Now these are not as detailed to be sure. But they can look id places a Joe would wind up in traction from. And the trooper can shoulder the weapons and sight down the barrel. Are the guys from Kenner not allowed to talk to Hasbro? Share some knowledge. Anyway, in my binary world of good/bad, right/wrong, I just am getting tired of Hasbro demanding a premium for their toys, and leaving us with piss poor distribution,sub-state of the art construction and looking for some one else's toys to make Joe worth while. Want an Apache affordable and half-ass accurate? Don't look at the dragonhawk...what a POS, the 10yr old in me even hates it. Want to deliver your spec ops team ? Get a cheap black hawk. Want a gunship for fire support? Don't look at MARS industry for the Cobra Gunship. Want Armor, real armor? Don't look to Mars for that stupid twin cannoned rocket equipped,mine laying thing. Get a Bradly or a Chinese BTR type. Want a jet? Ohhh, look a TOMCAT....not. Or get a sorta kinda close Hornet. And if we were lucky and Hasbro were to license some stuff from PTE, we could have Flankers and warthogs and Migs to go with our littlebirds and dauphins and Blackhawks. Did I mention the Raptor?
Now to be fair, Hasbro does make cool stuff...The Black Dragon is a worthwhile toy, but not as an adversary for the Skystriker.My Black Dragon is a drone. Anyway, that's my take on this situation with Hasbro. Love figures that just don't show up, wonder about all the peg warmers, and gaze in awe at the vast Star Wars selection.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Thursday, January 5, 2012
G.I. Joe:Renegades - Tunnel Rat & Ripcord
Whatever the case, Hasbro did release some action figures to support the series, even though it has been on hiatus for months and probably out of the mind of the kids that watched it. Not the Joe fans, of course!
Hasbro released five Joe figures based on the primary characters from Renegades - Duke, Scarlett, Snake Eyes, Ripcord, and Tunnel Rat. Two guest stars - Airtight and Law & Order were also released, but they could have easily been a part of the 30th Anniversary figures.
Some of the more prominent Joe characters were not released - primarily Roadblock, Lady Jaye, and Flint. I'll bet that they could have been awesome.
So enough with the sad tales of the Renegade history. Let's take a look at two of the Renegade figures - Tunnel Rat and Ripcord.
Tunnel Rat turned out to be not only a great recreation of the renegade version, but also a great reboot of the character. An excellent head sculpt and great uniform detail really makes this figure stand out.
The waist piece, supposed to be a part of his overalls, gives the impression of being able to pull up the front of his overalls. Very well done, but it does limit his ability to sit.
The head sculpt is really well done and captures his animated character well enough and also allows him to fit right in with other Joe figures.
Tunnel Rat comes with a wide assortment of gear. The little bomb disposal robot is pretty cool, but the uniform color is a little bit much.
I think that is supposed to be a frying pan that fits on a little heating unit. Cool? The tiny multi-tool, while neat, is probably one of those pieces that can be easily lost.
I would give him an 8.5 out of 10, decent figure, just not quite top tier.
Ripcord apparently was designed with the concept of the Rise of Cobra movie version. For the movie, the character of Ripcord changed races from the original o-ring version. I wasn't overly disturbed by this situation like some Joe fans out there in the Interwebs.
As far as the figure goes, Hasbro did a decent job with Ripcord. Not exceptional, but decent. He has a good head sculpt. Wait, wasn't he supposed to have hair? The web gear is a bit bulky and makes it a little tough for him to sit down.
Ripcord is still supposed to be a paratrooper and his gear reflects that specialty. A parachute pack and a helmet help prep him for parachute jumps. But wouldn't a high altitude jump need a little more covering on exposed skin?
And a light blue pistol and pulse rifle. Yuck. C'mon, Hasbro, leave these colors back in the 90's!
While not an over the top, exceptional figure, Ripcord is a nice figure. He fills out the ranks of the Renegades and is a nice addition to the Joe team. Sorry, he is much better that the ROC Ripcord!
Hasbro was off to a good start with the Renegades figures. I am certainly glad that Hasbro still supported Renegades enough to give G.I. Joe fans a few figures to add to there collections.
The next few figures based on Renegade characters really took off! Stay tuned!
Monday, January 2, 2012
G.I. Joe - Cobra New Releases

G.I. Joe - More new releases!
G.I. Joe: Renegades
While previous waves have been largely troop builders (not that I'm complaining!), these last two waves were largely character driven, with just a couple troop builders.
The G.I. Joe: Renegades series got a few additions to into figure form. Despite the apparent lack of support from Hasbro, there certainly was some quality work done by the G.I. Joe design team.
This is just a quick look at each figure. More in depth out-of-package reviews later. (I promise!)
Ripcord turned out to be a pretty decent figure. A few misses with this figure, but overall, not a bad job. Is he supposed to have hair or not?
I really like this version of Tunnel Rat. A great version of the Renegades character and just a great update on Tunnel Rat. I'm not 100% on board with all of his gear, but the figure is excellent!
Scarlett gets a great remake in the Renegades line. Excellent sculpting, and great articulation highlighted by a pretty decent head sculpt. Gone is the massive melon-head from the Resolute version. Very small amount of gear included. And I know it's been a part of her since 1982, but I am so damn tired of the crossbow. Give her a damn rifle!
As one of the "Easter Eggs" of Renegades, Law & Order get a great new version for the line. This is just an exceptional figure. I can't think of anything negative to say about him.
Look for the individual reviews soon!