Saturday, June 2, 2012

Retaliation Cobra and Joe Troopers

HASBLOWN has done it again!  I got the Cobra trooper AIRBORN!!! and the GI JOE Trooper.
         OK let's start here, the box says for 4yr and up. And that's if your 4yr old is stupid.
But I'm a 48yr old channeling a 10yr old.
The Cobra is cool looking, except in baby blue? And bright blue? Is your kid a crow? Attracted to colors? The Parachute and harness? EXCELLENT! Colors? Not so much.
Equipment? WTF? A paintball gun? Firing nerve gas filled Paintballs? Like in the movie "The ROCK"? (ok , so those weren't really paintballs, but you get the idea) The Figure, besides the off putting color, has single jointed knees. No ankles. A wrist so loose when I pulled the paintball gun off/out, the wrist popped out also.
        Now I was gonna say, okkk, when a 4yr old tries to vertically assualt something , the figure needs to be beefier. The the 48yr old in me says "Oh wait, Hasbro has made a ton of 12" working parachutes with fully articulated figures, and in 48 yrs, I don't remember any of mine getting maimed in a free fall streamering accident". But I can see this little guy loosing his evil UN blue helmet in a heartbeat, because oddly, it's removable. BTW, should he have at least 1 knife? I can see several uses for it, cutting the line when he's in a tree, killing folks silently, or when he runs out of poinsen paint balls.
       Multiples of this guy? Ehh, maybe one more for the chute. I can see uses there. To be fair, the chute is better thought out than the 2 BBI Spec War figs I have, who look great, but are stuck in perminant halo mode.   So the 10yr old in me says this is cool. But this time, my 10yr old self is a bit slow and that's why he says that. The 48yr old says.meh.

Gi Joe Trooper. YO MO(hawk)!!!
Now this is more like it. More. but not exactly ALL , like it.  I wanted to like this figure. Really, esp after the psuedo flame war friendly fire incident on the Facebook GI Joe Collectors page. My inner 10yr old loves it. Well, except for the BattleStar Galactica cape. I understand there is a running change to brown. Then it really will be a BSG cape. Or are they GI Hobbits? But I have to slow down. The figure is really good. Nice articulation. And when I opened it, the knives fell off and won't go back on. What's with Hasbro and all the knives on some figures, and no knife at all on others?
Seems to me a different mold, but I'm old and feeble minded. He is very close to being a VBSS SEAL.
Swap his head for a sockhead and bam. Well wait...there is the cowl on his neck. On mine it's BLUE. might be passable in brown. 
ANYWAY,,stock he comes with a wierd HALO, Dusty combo head. Hate it. Then There's the mohawk head. Love it. And if you get 2, paint the hair black, 2 different figures!   His weapons are cool, Halo-esq. 
I at first said COOL!!! Esp after I put the sniper rifle in his arms and he can almost use the scop with no modifications (I carve all my figures to hold their weapons ), Then I saw the G36 rifle with grenade launcher and it looked scale.  Until I took it out and it's some kind of bullpup g36 hybrid. But it looks cool! 
That's where his wonderfull equipment falls apart. He has this honking flat backpack, that looks ok, well, except for the big cobra blue halo looking gas helmet.  OH YES!!! It looks great on the Cobra HALO guy! (until it too goes missing on the jump...) But that's ok, it's gone now. there are the land mines. Which clearly weigh nothing and are totally safe to carry high up on the back by his head. And well, they'll be safe, because he doesn't dare show his back, EVER, he has an international BLAZE ORANGE entrenching tool on his back. And not a little folding one either. A half size one.  Rounding out his load, he has 4, count'em 4 pistols. 2 revolvers and 2 small semi-autos. Cobra gets a nice Glock, this guy gets Berreta-ish spy guns. And a shit load of magsthat will never fit ANY of the weapons he's hauling. Typical.... The 10yr old pretty much loves this figure. Warts and all. the 48yr old says "Hmm, this has potential."  I might squad build (I do 4 or 5 man squads) but not at 9 or 10 bucks each...I can go out and get old BBI SEALs and do almost this good cheaper.BTW, I think the cowl is part of his neck, I couldn't seem to remove it without hurting him.

1 comment:

  1. I'm jealous that Wess has the GI Joe trooper and not me. I really don't give a rat's ass about the Cobra trooper. Seriously, when compared to the 30th Cobra troopers and vipers, can these new Cobra troopers even come close to greatness?
