Monday, December 12, 2011
Friday, November 25, 2011
GI Joe: Renegades - Duke
The head sculpt is excellent, probably the best Duke head sculpt ever. Personally, I like this new head sculpt on the Resolute body.
So the Duke on the right is my "default" Duke.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Cobra Viper - 30th Anniversary
With the rebirth of GI Joe in the 25th anniversary line, the viper was reborn as well - much to the scorn and derision of GI Joe fan. Odd sculpting, poorly poseable legs, and those hands - those horrible hideous hands. Was the viper to be lost forever and only remembered as this 25th anniversary nightmare?
There was a new attempt at retooling the viper, but it was not much of an improvement.
Fortunately, Hasbro revisted the Viper for the Pursuit of Cobra line after the Rise of Cobra movie line. The sculpting job was incredible, but still the fan boys were whining. The new version was not close enough to the look of the original viper. Fan boys wanted the red gauntlets. Also, due to poor distribution and running changes, that blue gloved viper was very difficult to find.
Thankfully, Hasbro reissued the Viper as a part of the 30th Anniversary line, now with red arm guards, similar to the 1986 original, and an assortment of weapons. The body made use of exsisting pieces from other Pursuit of Cobra/30th Anniversary figures and the vest of the 25th Viper. Nearly everything worked. Joe fans now had an awesome update to the classic 1986 Viper.
An exceptionally sculpted assault rifle, it works extremely well with the new Viper. Two problems - I don't think Marauder is producing the gun any longer and I only bought two.
No worries, Marauder Gun Runners has a huge assortment of weapons that work great with all of your GI Joe figures.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Cobra Iron Grenadier
The Corps!
I got a few things from The Corps!. I got a 3 pack of figures that came with a cool hooded figure with some kind of video game looking NVGs, a mild bearded figure, and a bald guy with NVGs pulled up. I looked at the heads and said, they gotta get transplanted...I perfected the carve and drill technique some time ago. Another discovery, there are 2 styles of neck post with these guys. A full on ball and a square based post. Now why is this important? welll, it means the heads will transplant onto PTE figures VERY easy! But that's another post... Any way, these guys are USELESS!! The pack came with an OK but not good dirtbike for background use, a really crappy tracked thing that got tossed. And useless floppy weapons. I got a single fig, a Nick Fury looking head. Same story as the others, useless. And then I opened the STORM STRIKE swing wing fighter. It looks like a cross between a FireBat and the F22 Raptor and a bit of Tomcat. It has lights and sound. Two bombs and two missile-let thingys. It seats one pilot (not included). The plane is ok, the digi-flage is painted on, but there is an odd protective cover over the wings. Now, my 10yr old brain says "COOL!" it is at least as good as the Firebat/Skysweeper. And to me, better. Did I mention the retractable gear? Of course the 47 year ols says this thing is kinda tad pole-y. It's fat at the front and sadly dribbles to scrawny with pityful tail fins. Gotta fix them. It is really gonna be a Cobra bird. I won't get another one, but I do intend to get a few of the FANG looking helos. And the Vamp looking truck looks nice. And to go with my AT yellow Dauphin, I intend to get the lil 1 man lil bird helo, and it's yellow time for it too. Is The Corps! worth getting? Only if you're willing to cut/chop/hack/paint and discard. But it is nice to see stuff cheap enuff to be able to do that with. Wait until I get some pics of my new figs.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Black Dragon(fly)
It is fast, agile and hostile. The Dragon is a small ground attack craft, it carries mini gun in it's nose, a retractible cannon and a decent bomb load. The twin tail allows a margin of safety from damage.
The plane is capable of VTOL or rolling take offs. It noisy as the two 10 foot three bladed props spin in counter directions but at an insane RPM. The Dragon is not intended for use in civilian roles or in airports close to human habitation. But ease of use on the ground is very good,sweep the wings back tilt the rotors and a crew of four can handle the plane.There is no stealth features built in, it depends on small size and speed for survival. It's crew of 1 flies by wire and and thrugh the use of sensors and Flat panal displays. The Black Dragon. M.A.R.S industries Mustang of tommorrow.
So the 10yr in me says "FREAKIN' COOL!!!!" This thing LOOKS awesome. Tilt rotors, sweeping wings (ok for parking only) button deploys weapons, opening cockpit with a good looking figure.
All black, no stickers is a drag..but it's really cool!!!
The 47yr old says, Dragon? Dragonfly maybe.Flimsey wings, useless hard points on sweeping wings but the real steel (or carbon fiber) can't sweep and fly, the rotors don't fold (PTE has folding rotors on all it's helos)
The chin gun sucks, the snap open gun really sucks and the bombs just tumble out of their suit cases. Retractable landing gear looks neat, until you realize the bicycle style tandem gear is un balanced. Thankfully M.A.R.S. provided non rotating half wheel skid things on the suit cases to balance the Dragon. Hmm...This thing looks like a gull winged sailplane with engines...
A crew of 1 flies it, and evidently he won't be over worked, since there is nothing in the cockpit with him but a joystick he barely reaches. Course, he doesn't have to reach it, since he can't see out. Yup, the same devious designer who laid out the HISS and the Ghost Hawk, cocooned the pilot into this thing. And worse, getting out and avoiding a firey death is going to be tough. The solid steel or carbon or whatever canopy opens forward, agaisnt the wind. And if the luckless Viper GETS it open, I think he stands up and pops his 'chute, like the great p38 ace Richar "Dick" Bong. heh heh, he said "Dick and Bong. a Dick Bong"....
About the decals. There are none. Part of me says FANTASTIC! So I can do what I want which translates into "I leave the damn decals off anyway". Another part of me says POOP! I bet they had some great decals planned for this thing.
Another thing before I go. I thing the bomb suitcases should have bee turned the other way, they look better. Also, this ting looks about the size of a Global Hawk. Which is how I intend mine to be used, as an UAV for Cobra.
But lucky me, I have a son and a wife who enable me.
So, let's see, I got a New Viper with shiny face, A Stalker, a Black Dragon , a Punisher figure, another Rocket Duke, a wolf hound on sale at Tuesday Morning and a Polar Sharc. The last two were 23 bucks total.
So I'll talk about the figures now, and get back to a 10 yr old in a 47 yr old body later.
So let's see. Sgt Stalker....Are kidding me? This guy is really cool, can't say enough good things about him, great look. Great gear. That's it. That's all the good things I have to say about him.
The colors COULD be worse, but then, they could be a lot better...Now, sculpt wise,everything is cool,even his "Revolutionary freedom fighter power to the people" head. Sucks as a Joe figure head though. Looks good on several other black bodies. Just not as a joe.So he gets the older Stalker head.
Viper with the shiny face...This is another slam dunk. Except for the head. I'll keep it, it's pretty darned neat.but I think it'll be replaced with just about ANY other Viper head I can find. But this guy ROCKS!
Black Dragon Pilot. Not bad, usable. HEAD SUCKS! What is up in Hasbro? They seem to kill good figures with odd heads. But I'm odd, I see most folks are lovin' these heads.
Wolf Hound Driver. Great looking dude. GOOD head. And that's about it. Blah figure for any use except snow. Can't wait for snow.
Polar Sharc driver. I was handed one of these figures last week, and then I got a complete sub and driver set. More on sub later, but the figure? Not bad, swapped one head ,left the other. Blay figure for any use except snow. But hey, that's what snow is for.
The Rocket Duke, is well, a Duke. Head swapping madness continues...
Punisher. This guy looks pretty good. And is almost useless. Weapons are badly done and too big.
Articulation sucks and can only be made better with work.. The head is good, but the neck post is different. drats! I tried to put a trench coat on him, but he's too muscled up.
Which leads me to a new figure I made. Ta black snake eyes body, a blue lined cobra commander coat and a ROC Zartan head. Paint Zartan's hair black and BAM! You got a Punisher. Well, you gotta make the skull shirt. but there you go...
Now except for the Staker, all figures are colored fine. All have good articulation (that I improve with a hobby knife). All come with fantastic sculpting. The gear is excellent.The weapons that the new guys come with are cool, the Viper's rocket launcher is cool, the rocket is removable. Very nice... Stalker has the COOLEST pistol and silencer set up. Too cool!
I've finally seen an Iron Grenedier or what ever he's called. Meh. and a Toxic viper or Bio viper, whatever...Meh...but I'll likely get them both.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What a sorry site to see...
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Pursuit of Cobra HISS
Well, first, MARS industry has once again produced an amazing piece of gear to Cobra's spec.
Amazing if you like an armored death trap. Seems they forgot what they were intending to. The thing is massive! and while better than the FURY, it is begging for a LAW,Hellfire,TOW, DRAGON or just a hard poke with a sharp stick and it's game over. The weapons can't defend it from in close fighting, there's no depressing or elevation of the weapons. The heavy gun is a 1 shot weapon, the automatic weapon is fairly fixed. There is this really neat feature, if the the really tall vehicle isn't TALL ENOUGH, it can pop up and become taller. Which is cool looking, but then exposes the soft under belly to that sharp stick I was telling you about. BUT the trade off is at least in the pop up, it makes up for lack of a turret, and the whole massive body rotates. The HISS has a crew of 2, but the gunner has to be gymnist to mount up. The driver is fully protected by a windowless cab. As a weapon of war, it's a failure. As a weapon of terror and oppression? It works. Black is evil, brown is practical. I say go EVIL!!!!
Does the 47 yr old man in me like this thing? HELL YES! It's too cool. In a Falling Skies kinda of a way, it ROCKS! It even reminds me of Rock'em sock'em robots,see below.
Does the 10yr old like it? Hell YES! It rolls, it transforms, shoots, it carries dudes,and mine are black! But.....I have 2.....and 1 doesn't like to stay tucked in. They both pop up like champs, almost pop up and over. I'd hate to be in the thing when it pops up....BAM! we put more HISS crews on sick leave than any othe viper. And then my #2 HISS, doesn't tuck back in. It takes a lot of effort to lock it in place. You think you got it, and BAM! it's pops up again. That's ok, since when it pops up, it fires it's 1 missile....BAM! WOOSH!!! oops......
But this is the vehicle to get in the joe world right now.esp from Ross....Thanx again TOM!!!!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
And Tom lives in Ga.
WHICH PROVES the US MAIL runs on PEOPLE. Anyway, so I got the mail, re-did
the envelope. Went to the post office and thought how nice and quick this
will be, there's no crowd.
A crowd needs people. There were no people. It was deserted. So Tom's envelope (I let my wife address this one) was dropped in the slot by the door. Now my wife will have to go back across town monday to get the package. And Tom's money and heads, which we have been waiting for officially for a week and really much longer, is due his house (his correct house) by Tue, or Wed. Or who knows?
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Look Back - The Killer Whale - GI Joe 1984
This picture is from's page for the Whale - an excellent example of a minty fresh Whale.
Many years ago, much of my GI Joe collection was put into storage or sold off. The Whale was not going to be sold. It just went into storage and didn't handle storage very well.
I was determined to salvage these blades because parts for the Whale, especially the fan parts, have become very expensive.

The Killer Whale is one of the high points of the Real American Hero era and works great with all incarnations of GI Joe figures. If you have one, keep it, treasure it - it's an excellent vehicle!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
A Look Back... The Raider - G.I. Joe 1989

Monday, June 27, 2011
Pursuit of Cobra Steel Marauder
After last Christmas, i went by one of the local Walmart stores and they still had a couple of the mechs - one of each. A quick test scan - $9.99 each! Sold!
A few days ago, actually on Father's Day, I stopped by the nearest Ross store and spotted both at the low price of $7.99 each. I didn't really want another Deviant - weapon arms are a bit lame, so I picked up another Steel Marauder.
Now this is a bit much. Just a little too excessive! The arms start to sag at the connection points and I'm sure that there would eventually be too much strain on the conncetors. Okay for one picture, but don't leave them like this!
I have always been a fan of mech suits, even back to the days of Playmate's Exo-Squad line. Playmates did an outstanding job with those mechs, smaller scale with even more articulation. Hasbro did a decent job with their two mechs. Perhaps Hasbro will revisit this vehicle with the new movie line?
Friday, June 17, 2011
G.I. Joe: Renegades
I've been recording Renegades since it started and I've been behind six episodes. I'm working on catching up today.
this is a damn good show. Animation? Yeah, different style, not really detailed. So what? The stories are kicking ass!
Two more episodes and I'll be caught up. New episode tomorrow.
And Hasbro is putting the show on "hiatus" so that there is no confusion between Renegades and the next movie. Yeah, okay... Bad move, Hasbro.
I hope Hasbro at least allows Renegades to be released in a DVD collection. I'll buy it!
Pursuit of Cobra General Hawk
Pursuit of Cobra Cobra Troopers - Upgrade
I switched out the web gear on three of these guys, using two sets of black GI Joe web gear and one set of web gear from a MARS trooper.
These guys also needed back packs. I used the small back pack pack most commonly found on Resolute Cobra troops, two ROC Snake Eyes packs, and a ROC Viper back pack.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Pursuit of Cobra Cobra Trooper
When they original Cobra trooper came out way, way back in 1982, I was okay with the figure. But once the various specialist versions of Cobra soldiers - vipers, eels, snow serpents, Crimson Guard, range vipers, etc - the standard Cobra soldier was sort of left behind. Abandoned because the newer specialists looked much better.
Along comes the 25th Anniversary line with a new version of the stalwart Cobra soldier in 2008. Improved, but still a little off. The figure suffered from many of the flaws from the early 25th line. Wobbly legs, arm articulation a little off. Just didn't really work for me, so I never got into them too much and only bought a few. I wound up trading most of them to Wess.
Here comes 2011 and Hasbro gives us this guy. Damn! A much improved version of the Cobra soldier. Using design elements of the Pursuit of Cobra line, Hasbro has really created an excellent version of this trooper. Almost...
So here is the trooper out of package with all of his gear. An RPG, a sniper rifle, a knife, two silenced pistols, helmet, web gear and a roll of barbed wire. Really? Barbed wire? A dumb accessory when it came with Dusty, just as bad with this guy. Hasbro did a great job with the figure, but the gear should have been kicked up a few notches.
Two silenced pistols! Very cool, but the pistols are so thin that one is too loose in his holster. Be careful with those silencers, kids, you might and probably will lose them!
The figure is another Hasbro "Franken-joe" and that's just fine. It looks like Hasbro used the Shock Trooper arms and torso, Snake Eyes' legs, and a Resoulte Trooper head. The helmet seems new, very similar to the Resolute trooper helmet. The web gear comes from the original 25th soldier. A great combination of parts that just really works well together.
Here's the trooper holding his two weapons that are included. Not bad, but he needs more weapons!
From left to right - the AK-47 from the Jungle BAT, a standard Viper rifle and a Marauder NVR (?).
Trying out a couple different options for goggles on the helmet. Left - Para-Viper goggles, right - Desert Viper goggles. Both seem to work pretty well for the trooper, but the Shock Trooper goggles really work the best. (Pictures later!) The goggles for the Shock Trooper just don't seem to work for that figure, too loose on the helmet.
A quick comparison of the original 25 th version with his upgraded counterpart. No contest.
Another comparison between the original 25th, the POC upgrade and the Resolute trooper. I am definitely planning on troop building the new Cobra trooper. I just don't know the amount that I'll stop at. Of all of the assorted Cobra soldiers, the largest quantities are as follows - 9 Elite Vipers (ROC), 10 Resolute troopers and 20+ BATs. I think I may go up to around 9 or 10 of these guys, I'm at 3 right now. Twenty BATs is a bit out of control. But if sometime in the future, these guys show up at discount retailers, I know I will get out of control and load up. The Cobra soldier finally gets a respectable figure.