Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Gi joe POC Skydive sucks

POC Skydive.
Meh. What a loser figure. I didn't even know he existed, but saw his lonely butt on the peg, so I got him.
He's crap. weird working wing thing. Neat helmet with hoses and that's good. Because he's a sock head. Enough with the sock heads....He's heavily armed with, wait for it, he's packing a , pistol.
Airborne combat specialist? He better be, because once he hits the ground he's screwed.
The wing thing is neat , I guess. It's rocket powered they say...wheeee.
If it wasn't for the fact I have to have a new toy fix I would have saved 8 bucks.
Or if someone had posted a cool review like this, I would be 8 bucks richer.
Pass on it. Don't get it. Or if your name is Tom, I'll try to talk you into taking it...


  1. Didn't take much talking me into it - I'll take him!

  2. Any one know what the letters on the wings say/mean? I see them as JP as in jurassic park.
    jpub (or 8)1gp.
    It is sorta repeated on the underside.
    also the air intakes (why? There's no exhausts) keep falling off. And what are the handles on his boots for? has anyone noticed his harness hangs on the outside of his legs? He could conceivably slide out of his wing thing unless you move the harness betwenn his legs.
