Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Look Back... The Raider - G.I. Joe 1989

I thought that I would take a step back in time and look over one of the older vehicles from the original Real American Hero line from the 80's. Back then, I was obsessed, to say the least, about getting nearly everything from the G.I. Joe line. Hasbro dominated the action figure aisle with this line. Huge amounts of retail real estate were devoted to G.I. Joe, especially during the 80's when the line was just huge.

Unfortunately, I have sold off a large portion of my original vehicles. Please don't ask me if I sold them for decent prices. Mostly not... yard sale type prices for some of them. Ugh!

So I thought that I would look at one of my favorite vehicles from the 1989 series, the Raider. This very unusual vehicle just appealed to me with the odd style of the construction. A lower chassis with four tracked drive units and big cannons on the main body. The domed cockpit was also an interesting look for this armored fighting vehicle.

Searchlights topped off the top of the body. There are two platforms on the sides of the body to allow more troops to ride along. The front mounted "photon cannons" and side mounted "laser blasters" look pretty cool, but c'mon, photon and laser blasters? Seriously? They still look cool, though!
There is just something about the style of the vehicle that just appeals to me and made me keep this vehicle. Is it practical in a "real world" style? Well, maybe, not much, but maybe. If you consider that the bottom is made up of the drive units with the rear of the body being the main engine or power plant, then, yeah, it could work. It still looks a bit vulnerable from the sides. i don't think that it would really make it as a "real" military vehicle. But it's a toy, so who cares?

The cockpit opens to reveal a space for two drivers, Hotseat and one other. I still have the original driver, he is just in storage right now. I have my two "kickstart" figures from the Steel Marauder mechs taking control of the Raider right now.

So now the vehicle design begins to get a bit crazy. Hasbro was all about play value for these vehicles and realistic practicality didn't always apply. The rear section of the body actually slides open, revealing two giant missiles ready for launch. No spring loaded action here, just physical work and imagination.

Does it look cool? You bet! Do I like it? Yeah, but not so much.

Wow, check this out. The front track separates to create a smaller recon vehicle with a tiny cockpit for another Joe. Stop the madness, Hasbro!

So here is a look at the Raider all separated into its component pieces. No thanks.

Just in case you needed more info, the body does have fold-down legs to allow it to remain standing. No thank you.

I like the Raider fully assembled, without these extra features. No hidden rockets, no mini scout vehicle, just this odd-looking fighting vehicle.

Compared to the new Vamp and Hiss tank, the Raider still works pretty well with the modern line. I'm hoping to use the Raider in more diorama shots with the new sculpt Joes. Still a great vehicle!

1 comment:

  1. Great review. Interesting attention to details.

    This was my favorite G.I.Joe vehicle when I was a kid. If memory serves me correctly I got it for about $50.00 I was surfing the net I found this toy for $395.00. That's just crazy.
