Sunday, November 6, 2011

Cobra Iron Grenadier

I'm kinda sorry I got this guy. I wanted the smart gun, from "Aliens" so I got him. I thought it would be cool. I was wrong..this guy sucks. He's bulky. He's Steam Punk, he's a reject from a video game. The smart gun is TOO BIG. It's belt doesn't have the steadi-cam rig to hold it like in the movie. The helmet is the head. The catchers gear is stupid.. I hate him. The 10yr old says he looks cool. But he's useless. The 47 yr old says blah...just blah...sorry, I just can't do anything with it, and I don't care.


  1. Ha ha! I couldn't bring myself to buy him! He looks like no effort was put in him!

  2. You're right...he's kinda steampunk meets joe. and the more I look at it, the worse I like it. Mine got the Alt head from the cobra trooper.
