Friday, June 17, 2011

G.I. Joe: Renegades

If you haven't seen G.I. Joe: Renegades and you are a fan of G.I. Joe, especially the 3 3/4" figures, I have a question for you. What's your problem?

I've been recording Renegades since it started and I've been behind six episodes. I'm working on catching up today.

this is a damn good show. Animation? Yeah, different style, not really detailed. So what? The stories are kicking ass!

Two more episodes and I'll be caught up. New episode tomorrow.

And Hasbro is putting the show on "hiatus" so that there is no confusion between Renegades and the next movie. Yeah, okay... Bad move, Hasbro.

I hope Hasbro at least allows Renegades to be released in a DVD collection. I'll buy it!


  1. Good morning!

    Jesus Cristo Loves you!!
    Read Efésio chapter 6


  2. Okay, thanks. I understand and appreciate that. Could you possibly comment on the content of the blog instead of preaching to me?
