Sunday, April 24, 2011

Playing with, er, customizing your figures

I was abent-mindedly playing with some Beachhead figures (the POC versions,my faovorite) and snapping his poor little head off and popping someone elses's head on,when it hit me. I'm a customizer. Not a good one of course. But it's as good a reason to play with my toys as any. What if Shipwreck were assigned a mission with Beachhead? Wouldn't he look a bit more like a SEAL/commando and less like a longshoreman? Say, that looks ok...what if the TRU Benchpress also got the gig? OH MY!!! These guys look like death from the sea! So what's that? Low Light in a gray outfit with a big red patch on his shoulder? (I know, it's his shooter pad. Or an "aim here" marker.) Anyway, so off whith his head, and that little bearded watch capped head landed on another Beachhead. BAM! Pop another POC Duke head on and now my little 4 man Recon/Hit team is ready. Ok, so any 10yr old can do that. My original plan for getting into 1/18th scale was to pose,fill in the joints and paint the figures. My eyes just aren't what they were, and 1/35th scal stuff is tiny compared to 1/18th. And expensive. And then there's the patience thing. But after spending 6,7,8 bucks a figure, and trying out pose after pose , I realized I couldn't commit to the cause that much. Saym ever look at a ROC Viper and go, all these sockheads (skimask) need to go on something? I love the movie vipers. Can't get enough. But what if a regular guy is a viper and not a genetic freak? Put a sockhead on him, and he becomes WAY more useful.
Anyway, while a whole lot of you mix and match body parts like underroos, I threw away 2 figures I had trashed. Others of you, do incredible jobs painting your figures. and then you don't touch them again because the paint comes off. Me? I'll just customize my guys constantly while watching videos on my pc.

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