Monday, January 2, 2012

G.I. Joe - More new releases!

Here are some more of Hasbro's recent exceptional new releases. Again, individual figure reviews are forthcoming.
A guest star on Renegades, Airtight gets an exceptional remake for this new release. This figure really just kicks serious amounts of ass. So much coolness!

And Sci-Fi! Lime-green Sci-Fi gets a really kick-ass remake. Well, he's not quite so lime green as his original version, but he is still pretty bright. Another awesome figure from Hasbro!

Lifeline gets about every bit of gear needed to help out his injured comrades. Plus he gets a rifle to shoot the bad guys that hurt his buds! Crazy amounts of detail and gear, just crazy amounts.

So the G.I. Joe Steel Brigade troop builder gets rereleased? Not exactly. The original version used the Cobra Shock Trooper body. This new version uses the most awesome Snake Eyes body. So which is the "correct" version? Who cares, he still kicks ass.

1 comment:

  1. Air tight is ok, if you loose what I call an Eel helmet. I know it's not, Tom has chastized me enuff on that. I've never seen a life line, and I turned down two steel brigades when I had the chance, now I want those 2. SciFy doesn't do a thing for me.
